Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Virginia Tech
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Summer Movies
- Spiderman 3
- Ocean's Thirteen
- Transformers
- Pathfinder
- 28 weeks later
- Pirates of the Carribean: At worlds end
- Fantastic Four
- Hot Fuzz
- Hostel Part II
- Fracture
- Shooter
- Vacancy
- Evan Almighty
- Knocked Up
- Harry Potter
- The Reaping
- The third Bourne film
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Blades of Glory!!!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
What I've Learned So Far From My Research
I also found out that the same state grant that we are fighting for just issued our city almost $900,000 to preserve an entirely different area by creating a park. Thats right, they gave us money but to use on the construction of a different park; one that is very close to all the other parks in Novi. We needed this money to go to the creation of the park that is suppose to be on 10 mile and Wixom rd. This is a developing area with lots of new homes that need a park nearby for the kids to play.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Second Blog Draft
My opinion is that this park would be very beneficial to the city because of population growth, and because there is no park near the area where they want to build this new one. After reviewing some of the council minutes, I saw that there wasn't anyone attending who was really pushing for this park. If no one in the city is really putting in a big effort for the park, then the city will not concentrate on the issue as much as the other issues which are being pursued by a lot of community members. The community needs to up its participation in this issue so that they can get the state grant, and start building the park.
Free Press
Detroit News
Along with these articles, I will be using some of the statements that were said during city council meetings. I will be getting these sources from the city council minutes archive which is found at the Novi City Website.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Novi Wants Another Park (Final Draft Photo Essay)

Right at the entrance to Rotary Park is this boardwalk, which runs along 9 mile road, and offers a change to the usual concrete sidewalks.
This is just a picture of one of the playgrounds that belong to the Novi School District. These playgrounds also add to the number of recreational facilities that Novi already offers.
Novi has three parks that offer almost every activity you can think of. They offer baseball diamonds, soccer fields, picnic areas, and trails for people to go walking. There is no need for the city of Novi to construct another park especially one that is 269 acres.
Monday, March 26, 2007
First Blog Draft
I will change up my stance on the issue for the research paper. In the photo essay I argued against the park, but in the Research paper I will argue for the park. As I was doing some searching for information on the grant, I found an article stating that Novi is building another park which is right by the three other parks that they have. I will argue for this FIFTH park because this park would be further away from the other three, and will benefit the residents in that area. They should not have to drive further to get to a park, just because Novi built four parks all within 2 miles of each other.
If you are interested in further information about this topic please visit this site, and let me know what you think about the whole situation.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I think I Love My Wife
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Last Assignment
Monday, March 19, 2007
Novi Wants Another Park(photo essy, rough draft)
This is a picture of the area that the city of Novi is trying to get a hold of, for the construction of the park.
If Novi got the grant, they would use it to build a 269 acre park that would have hiking, and other recreational activities. Novi already has three public parks and numerous recreational facilities that belong to the schools. I do not see what one more park will bring to the city, that the other three parks don't already have. The three parks that belong to Novi offer tons of recreational activities to the public, which is why Novi does not need to build another park. CSP, or Community Sports Park, is the biggest of the three parks in Novi. CSP is located on 8 mile rd. and Napier rd.
This is a picture of the picnic area available to the public inside of CSP. It is also the location of one of the many restroom facilities located inside this park.
This is a picture of the huge wooden play-sturcture that is right at the entrance of CSP. This playground is always jam packed with kids in the summer.
This is a photo of the basketball courts which are found right next to the picnic area, and huge playground.
Inside CSP there are nine baseball diamonds, and durring the summer there are always baseball games being played on all nine diamonds.
This is another picture of one of the baseball diamonds inside of CSP. CSP also has about 14 soccer fields which are across from the baseball diamonds. Unfortunately they were taken down for the winter, so I could not get a picture of them.

Right at the entrance to Rotary Park is this boardwalk, which runs along 9 mile road, and offers a change to the usual concrete sidewalks.

This just a picture of one of the playgrounds that belong to the Novi School District. This is one of two jungle gyms that belongs to this elementary school, and Novi has five elementary schools, not to mention the middle school and high school.
Novi has three parks that offer almost every activity you can think of. They offer baseball diamonds, soccer fields, picnic areas, and trails for people to go walking. There is no need for the city of Novi to construct another park especially one that is 269 acres. If Novi just wants to spend money, then they should work on the upkeep of the three parks that they already have.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Photo Essay Topic
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Graffiti: Tunnel Notes of a New Yorker
Also towards the end he did mention the HUGE fact about people who are all concerned with graffiti. This fact is that graffiti never killed anyone, and that there are bigger problems in cities then graffiti. I agree completely with this statement. When I look at the bigger picture and all the other problems with cites and urban decay, I really don't give a shit about graffiti and probably never will. I would much rather see someone get angry and go write it on a wall, then get angry and go kill somebody.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Detroit Free Press
- Besides Comerica Bank and Tara Grant, the issues getting the most coverage are American Idol's Lakish Jones who is from Detroit. This article is to update people who are interested in her progree so far. The other issues that are taking up the space are related to sports. There is one article that has to do with the death of an old coach of MSU basketball star Drew Neitzel. It is about how Drew had a very close relationship with his coach who died of Lou Gehrig's Disease, and how Drew dedicated the game against Wisconsin to him; which they won by the way. The other sport related issue is about the Detroit Lions and how they are seeking running backs again.
- While browsing the top issues being covered on www.freep.com I did not really see any emphasis on drama in the issues. I thought that most of the issues had emphasis on getting the facts across to the reader. The only issue that might have had some emphasis on human emotion, and trying to relay that to the reader was the article on Drew Neitzel and the death of his former Basketball coach.
- In Oakland County, the Silver Dome was released to the city of Pontiac to be sold. The freepress doesn't have any issues that are related to Novi. The only thing that they have is 5 questions they asked Novi's Park and Recreation supervisor about beating the winter blues. When I go to other websites I find information like the Michigan Golf show is comming to the Rock Financial Showplace, and that upgrades are needed in our many elementary schools due to a lack of space and equipment.
- I do not know what I want to write about at this point. So far I have not found an issue that is happening in Novi or Oakland County. Everything seems to be centered in Detroit, or the immediate surrounding cities of Detroit. Plus I am still unsure of how we can make a photo essay of a local issue. It doesnt make sense to me how we are suppose to photograph an issue; especially numerous photos. There is one article about a possible girls catholic school comming to novi, which is interesting because Novi just allowed Catholic Central to move to Novi. These are examples of how Novi is a developing city, that might be doing to much. There arent to many places left that havent been touched in some way by the city. Novi feels like it could get very crowded very fast.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Representing Urban Decline
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Oakland County news: Pontiac
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Restaurant Review...again
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Detroit Sports
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
All said and done
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Restaurant Review
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Restaurant Review
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Plan for Community Member Essay
- Add some background information to the beginning of my essay.
- Fix some of my quotes so the reader knows who is saying them.
- Add some more visual details to the essay, along with the background information that I will be adding.
- Fix my reference citing. I did not know what format to do in the beginning.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I Just Wanna Be Average
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Lack of Online Material Again
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Mix Tape of Songs
- Little Man by Alan Jackson- This song talks about the small stores that were owned by one or two people until the "Big Money" came around and put them out of business. Novi is full of these huge corporations and very little stores that are owned by one person.
- My Town by Montgomery Gentry- This song is about all the little moments they remember in their town, and that they are proud to belong to their town. I am also proud to belong to my town. There are incidents that people probably think are wierd but when I look back on them, I just laugh and shake my head because It's My Town.
- Graduation Day by Head Automica- This song is about all the wonderful things that happen after you graduate High School, and how you don't know what is going to happen to people after they graduate. I chose this because I remember my High school being very concerned with academics, and their graduation percentage. Basically school was a big deal in my community.
- Rockstar by Nickelback- This song is all about how everyone wants to be just like all the famous rockstars, except it has a twist and shows how all the "great things" arent really good at all. I chose this song because when I was in high school all the bands that were trying to get noticed were Rock bands, and they all were trying to imitate this lifestyle that they wish they had.
- 8 Mile by Eminem- This song rebresents my neighborhood because i live one mile from 8 mile. Obviously not the part of 8 mile that Eminem talks about, but it still runs through my community.
- Stuntin' Like My Daddy by Lil' Wayne and Birdman- I chose this song because the majority of the population in Novi is very rich and they spoil the shit out of their kids with clothes and cars. This song is about Lil' Wayne trying to live rich like his dad.
- Get Stoned by Hinder- I chose this song because tons of kids get stoned every day after high school, and if they get caught they barely get a slap on the wrist by their parents and the cops. The cops are afraid to get the extremely rich kids in a lot of trouble because they would here about it from all the parents in Novi who are rich. This song is just all about getting stoned.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Our Next Fun Essay
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I think this is a wonderful idea to try and increase the popularity of Detroit. If they tried to incorporate this new symbol of Detroit into most of the events taking place in Detroit; then I think they will have a lot of success. They should try and incorporate this symbol into events like the Tigers', Lions', and Red Wings' games. They should also use this marketing technique whenever they have a special event that ties into this new symbol.
As far as the symbol goes, I like it but....I would of liked it more if it looked more like the Tigers' old english "D". I dont know if its just because i'm a sports guy or what, but ever since the Detroit Tigers made a pendant run, I have loved seeing the old english "D". To me the old english "D" represents Detroit because it has been the symbol for the Tigers since the begining of time. It was their symbol during the good times in the 80's and during the bad times in the late 90's. To me this would fit Detroit because the city has had its good and definetly its bad times, and this would symbolize how Detroit is still here and is making a comeback. See the Full Story behind Detroit's new symbol right here!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Lack of Online Material
If anyone has any sites or articles they just happen to find online, please let me know. The one article that I found was on how the mall is expanding and adding more space. Other then this small problem, my essay is going great (not really).
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Progress on Artifact Essay
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Very Nice Eye
The blogger pointed out how most people would see the image for just another picture of Detroit, when in fact it shows how beautiful and important the city once was. He also comments that instead of turning it into a storage closet, they should have worked to restore the room and the architecture.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Response to Detroit blogs
Most of the grotesque images of dirty rooms or trashed buildings, were actually showing the architecture and how amazing and ancient it is. Many of the bloggers commented how Detroit should work to restore these buildings to show people how beautiful Detroit once was.
All the other images of Cobo Hall, Tech Town, and the other newly constructed buildings had a grotesque image in the background or foreground reminding us that the whole city looked new at one point in time; but eventually they all remained unused and abandoned.
Monday, January 15, 2007
List of Artifacts
- Twelve Oaks Mall
- Main Street
- Fountain Walk
- Novi Town Center
- Novi High School
- Novi Bowl
- "Piss" Pond
- Civic Center
- Town Hall
- Extremely Old Barn
- Dirt Road
- Baseball Diamonds
- Football Field
Response to Homeplace
Their were some parts that I did not agree with however. Through the essay I felt like she had the attitude that African American women did nothing wrong. It seemed like she thought they were perfect and that they were just treated wrongly. I agree that they were treated wrongly, and feel ashamed of my ancestors, but I doubt that every African American female was perfect.
Overall I thought it was a very good essay, and although I was unsure of the topic of the essay in the begining, I soon found it out the more I read.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Artifact Essay
Class Discussion on Niki's Window
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
"Nikki's Window"
In his essay he uses "pastness" to mean what Detroit was like in the past. He is referring to Detroit 50-80 years ago.
In his essay he uses "nostalgia" to refer to how Detroit is like a home to him, and how he wants to return to Detroit when it was a place of pride not shame.
In his essay he uses "humiliation" to refer to how people feel now saying that their from Detroit. He refers to how people around the country look down on Detroit and the people who live there.